Thank you for being a part of The Suburban Players.   We are now offering the possibility of paying your dues in monthly installments with a credit/debit card, through this donation form.    The amount selected will be debited MONTHLY from your card.  

Current Membership values (these will be adjusted quarterly):

YOUTH (16-25) - Monthly  $ 3,900

SINGLE ADULT  - Monthly $ 5,800

COUPLE - Monthly  $9,600

Please select the appropriate value from the boxes below.

FULL YEAR payment can still be made at a significant discount, either through a direct transfer to the TSP bank account (see our webpage for details), or through the YEARLY DUES link on our page.   

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Los montos están expresados en Pesos Argentinos (ARS $)
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San IsidroArgentina

The longest running English-speaking amateur theatrical club in Argentina (since April 1963).
We are a non-profit organization that collaborates on a regular basis with established charities, helping community oriented fund raising campaigns with our proceeds.

We stage plays in English for the enjoyment of all those involved and to provide quality entertainment for the community. The club is also a friendly space in which English speakers (and learners) can interact through theatre and social events open to members and friends.