Oceanosfera is a nonprofit foundation that operates thanks to the financial support of people like you, who believe in the importance of education, collaboration and solidarity.

Our oceans and humans are inextricably connected. It is everyone’s responsibility to guarantee that future generations continue to enjoy the diverse benefits that our oceans provide us.

Your donation, which may appear to be of little value, can make an enormous difference by allowing us to develop our campaign "For a Living Ocean" and continue our education and marine conservation activities. Our program encourages contact with nature through experiential activities and the development of didactic resources that integrate science, culture, art, sports and recreation.

We can all inspire, marvel and teach people to look after, respect and protect our oceans and their biodiversity.

The limits are boundless when the heart is involved.

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Oceanósfera es una Fundación sin fines de lucro cuya misión es educar e inspirar a las personas, especialmente a las niñas y a los niños, a cuidar, respetar y conservar nuestros océanos y su biodiversidad. Nuestro objetivo es generar espacios donde se promueva la interacción entre las personas, el océano y las especies marinas. / Oceanosfera is a non-profit Foundation with a mission to educate and inspire people, especially children, to care for, respect and conserve our oceans and their biodiversity. Our objective is to create spaces where an interaction between people, the ocean and marine species is promoted.