"Guide to Sustainability" Course

The "Guide to Sustainability" course seeks to encourage organizations to develop a sustainability model that allows them to maintain and expand their mission in the long term in a sustainable and scalable manner.

This course aims at leaders and teams who want to learn how to apply sustainability models in their organizations. At the end of the course, participants will have the necessary tools to develop a sustainability model that will enable them to achieve their long-term goals and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.


The objective is that they will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge in a clear and concise manner to be able to apply it in their organization.

Expected result:

Learn the theory bases and practical tools to develop a Sustainability Model that allows the diversification of funding sources through the design of solutions.


Through modules, participants will strengthen their leadership and entrepreneurial skills, identifying and validating the problems associated with the organization's mission, proposing innovative solutions. Participants will have the tools to generate creative ideas and develop in a practical way a model that will scale the sustainability and impact of their organizations. In addition, they will learn to apply agile practices, implementing the model and continuously adjusting it to new challenges.

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Miguel HidalgoMéxico

En Kubadili creemos que el uso de la agilidad puede potenciar el ecosistema social y público. Es por eso, que potenciamos el impacto de organizaciones, gobiernos y fondos filantrópicos, facilitando la identificación de sus desafíos y construyendo modos de trabajo que les permitan maximizar su generación de valor.